Woodland Trust Community Tree Packs

We are delighted to announce that we have been successful in an application to the Woodland Trust’s community tree pack scheme.

Our application was for 420 whips for year round colour, this will provide approximately 85 to 100 metres of double row hedging on the acre of land soon to be transferred to Pitton and Farley Parish Council by Wiltshire Council.

Pitton Nature Trust are in discussion with the Parish Council with the aim of having a long-term management agreement for the charity to create and maintain a community orchard and nature reserve on the site.

The Woodland Trust whip packs will contain; hawthorn, dogwood, wild cherry, silver birch, rowan, hazel. In a few years this will create a hedge to enhance the biodiversity of the site.

Note: The picture above is a new hedge recently planted by one of our trustees on his land at Coldharbour Farm, Pitton.