Towards the end of August Pitton Nature Trust made an application to the Coronation Living Heritage Orchard Fund for a grant to plant five fruit trees in The Close. Also included in the grant application was funding for the proposed Community Orchard and Nature Reserve on Wiltshire Council land at Roundbarrow Farm which is due… Continue reading Coronation Living Heritage Orchard Grant Award
Month: December 2024
Community Orchard & Nature Reserve Update
At a meeting of Pitton and Farley Parish Council on 16th December the Council agreed the Heads Of Terms with Wiltshire Council in relation to the land transfer, on a 125 year lease, of an acre of land on Roundbarrow Farm. Pitton Nature Trust have been in discussion with the Parish Council with the aim… Continue reading Community Orchard & Nature Reserve Update
Trustees’ Annual Report and Account 2023/24
As a registered charity there is a statutory requirement on the trustees of Pitton Nature Trust to submit their Trustees’ Annual Report and Accounts to the Charity Commission. You can view the Pitton Nature Trust 2023/24 Trustees’ Annual Report and Accounts and other information about the charity on the Charity Commission public register of charities.