Bird Survey

One of our local ornithologists, John McCarthy, conducted another bird count on the Pitton Hill site on 13th June. In the hour John spent on the site he identified nineteen species of birds, nine of which he had seen on his previous visit in April.

Here is the list of birds John identified on 13th June:

  • Blackbird (1)
  • Great Tit (1)
  • Dunnock (2)
  • Chiffchaff (1)
  • Goldfinch (3)
  • Greenfinch (1)
  • Chaffinch (2)
  • Wren (2)
  • Woodpigeon (5)
  • Stock Dove (1)
  • Starling (1)
  • Swallow (3)
  • Linnet (2)
  • Blackcap (1)
  • Carrion Crow (1)
  • House Sparrow (5)
  • Blue Tit (1)
  • House Martin (3)
  • Bullfinch (1)

During his survey John also spotted a Small Red Damselfly, Grasshopper, Meadow Butterflies and a Fox.